Posts from May 2021

110 of 14 items

Annual General Meeting

by admin

AGM Meeting Time: 6 June 2021, Sunday 1:45pm Location: online Zoom meeting Handouts: AGM agenda and reports


by Office Admin

宣召: 高泉​​ 祈祷: 高泉​​ 诗歌敬拜: 郑安琪​​ “我要全心赞美”​​ “祢的爱”​​ 牧祷: 刘欣彧传道​​ 奉献: 445 数算主恩​​ 为奉献祷告: 高泉​​ 读经: 高泉​​   经文: 使徒行传10:34-48​​ 证道: 郑鸥牧师​​   主题: 明白神的心意​​ 回应诗歌: 我们呼求​​ 祝福: 郑鸥牧师​​ 报告: 刘欣彧传道​​ ​


by Office Admin

宣召: 龍華德​​ 詩歌: 祢的信實廣大​​ 主是盤石​​  唯信靠主​​ 祈禱​​ 獻詩: 必有恩惠與慈愛​​ 牧禱​​ 經文: 哥林多前書 12:12-27​​ 講道: 不能小看的腳趾公​​             史俊才執事​​ 回應詩歌: 身心奉獻​​ 祝福​​ 報告​​

11 am International Service 30 May 2021

by Office Admin

Call to Worship   Song: Here I Am To Worship  Bible Reading  Song: Come to My Rescue  Prayer  Welcome and Community News  Sprinkler Fundraising (Children – skit)  Community Prayer  Bible Reading : 1 Corinthians 12:12-27  Message:   Speaker: Rev. Danelle McLeay  Title: Vision and Leadership – Seeing God’s future  Song: Be Thou My Vision  Closing  

Christmas Day Service 23 May 2021

by Office Admin

Call to Worship  Song: Worthy Of It All Song: The Greatness Of Our God Prayer Welcome and Community News Intro to Danny Sze Community Prayer Bible Reading :  1 Corinthians 12:12-27 Message:  Speaker: Mr. Danny Sze Title: Leadership: We need each other Song: The Love OF The Father Closing 


by Office Admin

宣召:刘天祺​ 祈祷:刘天祺​ 诗歌敬拜:蔡贞贞​ “君王就在这里”​ “活出爱”​ 牧祷:郑鸥牧师​ 奉献:374 更像我恩主​ 为奉献祷告:刘天祺 读经:刘天祺​ 经文:腓立比书 2:1-11​ 证道:袁明芳传道​ 主题:随时侯命​ 回应诗歌: Hi-Ne-Ni 我在这里​ 祝福:郑鸥牧师​ 报告:郑鸥牧师​


by Office Admin

宣召: 賴李傲霜​ 祈禱​ 詩歌: 我向祢禱告​ 真摯的愛​ 牧禱​ 經文: 以弗所書 4:1-16​ 講道: V 形式領導​ 譚國雄傳道​ 回應詩歌: 我要建立一群大能子民​ 祝福​ 報告​

by Office Admin

Dear CBC members, Due to the updated restrictions which the NSW Government has put into place to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, we continue to limit the number of persons physically attending services under the 2sqm regulation. Most of our services (9am Cantonese, 9am Mandarin and 11am International) will continue being live-streamed at […]


by Office Admin

宣召: 孔何詩韻​ 祈禱​ 詩歌: Emmanuel​ 聖潔的祢​ 真摯的愛​ 牧禱​ 經文: 加拉太書 5:13-26​ 講道: 真正的服侍​  冼卓穎牧師​ 回應詩歌: 讓我感恩​ 祝福​ 報告​


by Office Admin

宣召: 马月​​ 祈祷: 马月​​ 诗歌敬拜: 鍾陳靜婉​​ “全然向祢”​​ “祢的爱”​​ 牧祷: 郑鸥牧师​​ 奉献: 369 流通管子​​ 为奉献祷告: 马月​​ ​ 读经: 马月​​   经文: 马太福音14:22-33​​ 证道: 刘欣彧传道​​  主题: 以同行建立领袖​​ 回应诗歌: 因祢与我同行​​ 祝福: 郑鸥牧师​​ 报告: 郑鸥牧师​