Posts from March 2020

110 of 14 items

11am International Service 29 March 2020

by Office Admin

Call To Worship Song: Goodness of God Song: Remembrance Welcome Bible Reading: Philippians 1:1-11 Message:  Speaker: Rev. Ken Clendinning  Text: Philippians 1:1-11  Title: A Fresh Partnership in the Gospel Response Song: Desert Song  Closing Prayer/Benediction


by Office Admin

宣召: 李同仰 祈祷:李同仰 诗歌敬拜: 张腾 “我们呼求” “活祭” 牧祷: 郑鸥牧师 奉献: 445数算主恩 为奉献祷告:李同仰 读经:李同仰    经文: 弥迦书7:11-20 证道: 郑鸥牧师 主题: 回转归向神 回应诗歌: 293 當转眼仰望耶穌 祝福: 郑鸥牧师 报告: 郑鸥牧师


by Office Admin

宣召: 孔何詩韻 詩歌: 大祭司 你成就救恩 求主興起禱告的心 祈禱: 牧禱: 奉獻: 讀經: 馬可福音4:35-41 講道: 十架驚情     冼卓穎牧師  詩歌: 主是安息港

11 am International Service 22 Mar 2020

by Office Admin

Call To Worship Song: Look to the Son Song: What a Beautiful Name Welcome Community Prayer Bible Reading:  Genesis 28:10-22 Message:      Speaker:   Gavin Leung      Text: Genesis 28:10-22      Title: TBC Song: Touch of Heaven Closing Prayer/Benediction

11 am International Service 15th Mar 2020

by Office Admin

Call To Worship 1000 Tongues [E] You Are My King (Amazing Love) [E] What A Beautiful Name [F] Welcome Pastoral Prayer Offering/Creative Space Sharing by Bayliss Bible Reading:  Acts 4:32-35 What A Friend We Have In Jesus [F] Message:      Speaker:   Rev Dr John Lustre      Text: Acts 2:42-47      Title: 40 Days of Community: […]