詩篇 116:7 「我的心哪!你要回復安寧, 因為耶和華用厚恩待你」 陳婆婆
年近九旬的陳婆婆在中浸聚會已有好長一段日子,平常見到的陳婆婆總是笑口常開,一 副喜樂的樣子,但回顧過往,艱辛的日子可不少,但婆婆總是那句話,我的神是一位很 了不得的神,在我還未認識祂之前,祂已用厚恩待我。詩篇116:7 「我的心哪!你要回 復安寧,因為耶和華用厚恩待你!」正是婆婆的人生金句,每當回憶往事或面對現今的 困難,她就想起聖經這一句話,讓她心情平穩,因耶和華神時刻用厚恩待她。
read more »Vol.3, 2015
God’s Word
Words from Editors
God’s Word is precious. Not only does it warm, move and motivate us, it also enlightens and encourages us. Bible verses have changed the lives of many people who in turn change the course of history.
The Bible is our daily bread and Christians should read it every day. There are verses that may touch you in different circumstances. That is why particular verses are more personally meaningful to some than to others. In this issue of the church magazine, members from the three congregations have shared on their favourite Bible verses and why they are treasures to them. You can compare yours with these and understand how God sows His Word to bear fruit in the lives of His people.
Pick up your Bible and read it daily. Certainly you will find something that is interesting and there will be verses that stay with you for your whole life.
Also with the recent change of the CBC church logo, this issue features an article from the designer.
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年近九旬的陳婆婆在中浸聚會已有好長一段日子,平常見到的陳婆婆總是笑口常開,一 副喜樂的樣子,但回顧過往,艱辛的日子可不少,但婆婆總是那句話,我的神是一位很 了不得的神,在我還未認識祂之前,祂已用厚恩待我。詩篇116:7 「我的心哪!你要回 復安寧,因為耶和華用厚恩待你!」正是婆婆的人生金句,每當回憶往事或面對現今的 困難,她就想起聖經這一句話,讓她心情平穩,因耶和華神時刻用厚恩待她。
read more »詩篇 68:11 主發命令,傳好信息的婦女成了大郡。
我的堂嫂顏珠霞於2015年四月22日安息主懷, 享年96歲。送的弟兄姊妹有好幾百人,大家 都在緬懷這位為傳揚主的福音而做光做鹽的好 姐妹。她本來是一個極其平凡的人,但在神手 中,她成為一個傳揚福音的寶貴器皿。
read more »約翰福音 21:15-19
中國人有句諺語,「一次不忠,百次不用」,使徒彼得的過去記錄,有目共睹的嚴重不忠污點,耶穌 曾向門徒表示祂將被釘十字架,當時彼得曾誇口說願意為耶穌捨命,耶穌卻對他說,雞叫以先,要三 次不認主(約13:37-38)。
read more »Sometimes I hear Christians say these things: ‘Really stressing out in serving’, ‘I am taking a break because I got burnt out in serving’ and ‘I have given so much and yet got no spiritual return’. These kind of comments always imply a serious question ‘why is it so hard to serve and give it […]
read more »Luke 13:18-19 By Daniel Then Jesus asked, “What is the kingdom of God like? What shall I compare it to? It is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his garden. It grew and became a tree, and the birds perched in its branches.” This verse is a reminder of how […]
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2009.10.29 是我被拯救的日子。
read more »在我接觸基督教之前,我對自己的人生的看法很模糊,從來沒 想過自己的人生應該怎樣,對很多事都態度懶散。由於在內 地出生的緣故,小時候完全沒有機會接觸基督教,也沒有聽 過福音,直到我16歲來到澳洲才第一次從同學的口中接觸到 基督教。
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