iCentralCorner Vol 2 – One Family

18 Items

Vol.2, 2014


Words from Editors

With this latest release of iCentralCorner and Christmas approaching around the corner it’s time to celebrate!

There are a good variety of articles included in this issue: baptismal testimonies from our brothers and sisters, heart-felt words from deacons, photos and reports from the congregational camps, an example of a supportive relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, ways to care for your health & etc. We trust the words shared here will be edifying to all.

iCentralCorner is like a small garden raised and maintained carefully by those in the CBC family. We hope each of us in the church will play the roles in tending the garden whether it be pruning, irrigating, or cleaning out the weeds. We value your support and contribution to iCentralCorner even if you are just here to walk by, take in and browse through the contents.

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祂和他 之 李同仰和祂 (李同仰弟兄)

李同仰弟兄,又或稱呼為Joseph,Joe 或”大舊”,是我們教會的執事,秘書,參加國語堂的崇 拜,同時也曾是國語堂同工會的主席。每個星期天我們都會在教會與他一起敬拜,但不一定有時間跟 他長聊,了解他的生活及事奉,今天我們很高興能夠跟他作一採訪,以讓我們對他多一點認識及了解。

李: 我出生於香港一個基督徒的家庭,從小在教會長大。我在香港的教會是宣道會國語堂,是由 一批來自中國大陸的信徒創辦的,崇拜用國語,有廣東話傳譯。我十二歲接受洗禮,從小參加教會 的團契,也有參與事奉。1978年在神的帶領下來到澳洲升學,當年我與三個中學同學住在一起, 星期六到East Sydney Technical College 上中文課,跟著馮約瑟師母會來接我們去參加星期六中 午的查經班,星期天我去中央浸信會聚會,當年的崇拜是英語的,但有廣東話傳譯。就這樣開始在中 浸聚會。

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祂和他 之 鍾偉賢和祂 (鍾偉賢弟兄)

鍾偉賢 (Rudolph)弟兄,在年青時已被CBC 的弟兄姊 妹稱為“dol叔”,不知為何被稱為亞叔,只知他從少就坐著 叔父輩份。他出生於香港, 1981年來到雪梨定居,1984年 決志成為基督徒,1985年起在中央浸信會聚會,自小生活在 女權家庭,家中除父母外,有一兄長及六位姊姊,排行最小, 至今與Eva姊妹結婚已19載及有兩位可愛女兒(Ester and Elizabeth),仍然是家庭中的少數族類(但肯定是一家之主) 。很多人都可能認識他從事電腦行業,原來他曾就讀醫學, 後以科學學士畢業,過去15年在投資銀行工作。

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One Family (Karen Lee)

My name is Karen Lee and by the grace of God, I belong to His family through grace in Jesus Christ.

I was born in Hong Kong, and I have a love of writing, reading and enjoy the company of music and cats where I am afforded the opportunity.

It did not seem that long ago that I arrived at Central Baptist Church with my mum, having not long moved to Australia from Hong Kong, the first step in a story that God had laid out before the both of us. I have a qualification in Health Sciences and have been working in ad- ministration for the past ten or so years. I had been privileged to have been a part of the high school, university and young workers’ minis- tries, and I currently serve in the International Congregation, in the ministries of Street Café, the Welcoming Team, Growth Groups and assist here and there with various ministries as need arises. I also serve as a deacon.

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How I become a Christian (Grace Li)

My name is Grace, and I’ve been attending CBC for quite some time. My parents brought me up at CBC when I was a baby and I’ve been attending ever since. I have the stereotypical Christian story of being born and raised into a Christian family and am very thank- ful for this blessing. My first friends were from this church and we grew up together, attending Sunday School and Timothy/ Blaze youth and the majority of people I knew as a child in my life were from church. It seemed like a normal thing to attend church without even questioning why. When I started attending primary school in the public education system, I couldn’t understand why everyone didn’t attend church, but I didn’t question it and accepted it as the norm.

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My identity on God (Rebecca Xu)

I grew up in a world where God did not exist, or He was only seen as a genie who grants wishes. My family is non-Christian so I wasn’t exposed to God or who He is. I had never been to a church and even in primary school I went to non-scripture classes. For the first half of my life I really hadn’t known or experienced God and He didn’t affect my life in any way.

I attended PresbyterianLadiesCollege for high school, and although it was a Presbyterian school, the school’s religion didn’t mean anything to me. I was just sent there because it was just another private school. There were religious education classes which were compulsory, and being the Asian child I was, I would listen in class and study for the exams to do well in the subject, but never actually take the information to heart. This was probably the first time I was exposed to this person called God and what He did.

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God’s offer to me (Ann)

In this day and age it’s easy to think of ourselves as in- vincible, where in the developed world we control our life and it’s all in our grasp if we fight for it. Growing up I stood by the idea that we shape our own fortunes that good things happen to good people who work hard doing the right things.

I had a vague idea of some higher being out there, but thought that was a genie, there to grant all my wishes. In year 8, a good friend of mine invited me to an event called RICE. It was at RICE where I first found out that the wish-granting genie has a name, Jesus and He isn’t there just to grant me wishes but He came to save us from our sins. At the time, though the message resonated with me, I hadn’t really understood it. What is sin and why did Christ have to save me from it?

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輸贏得失盡交神 (Florence)


我爸爸在我七歲的時候因肝癌去世,媽媽獨自把我和弟弟撫養成人。幸好我比較懂事,很會照 顧自己,這樣媽媽只照顧弟弟就可以了。我這種懂事的性格,慢慢就變成了好勝和驕傲,其中又夾 雜有自卑。因為我不想因沒有父親而被人輕視,所以立志要做得更出色,甚至得到全世界的讚揚。 小學階段我在普通學校讀書,我努力學習,考了第一名。中學我考入名校,在學校我名列前茅。我 生性愛出風頭,我那時真的成了”風雲人物”。我參加許多課外活動,當了好幾個學會的主席。一 直到了大學,都是這樣。但其實我一直都不快樂,我的自信心要不斷從外在的成就和他人的認同中 建立。一旦遇到小小的挫折,或者大一點的挫折,我的自信心,甚至自尊心就會嚴重受損。這樣, 我不斷地與別人比較,給自己很大的壓力。我從會考A level,即HSC開始,就整天生病,一咳就是 幾個月。到了大學二三年級,我患皮膚敏感,一發病就得服藥,在大學幾年幾乎藥不離口。

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唯有愛能戰勝恨 (Suki Wen)



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女性更年期食療 (華)

筆者最近參加了一個農業的研討會,研究植物作為食療及藥療的項目遍及世界各地,西方的研究方 向多為理解各植物的成份,從而分析其對人體的效用,澳洲近年都有項目研究原土居民所採用的植物的 藥療作用,最近一份報告已分析了百多種澳洲原土植物的成份及其藥用效果,並與原土居民合作編成一 本手冊。這一報告讓我想起中國人歷史悠久的本草綱目,當中所蘊藏的智識,尤其中國人所言的寒涼溫 熱,陰陽平衡,絕非現代科學研究容易掌握的。 由於興趣所致,筆者閒時喜歡閱讀一些關於中醫食療的 書藉,對自己的日常飲食有了進一步了解,尤其本身進入更年期,更年期過渡的順逆將影響老年期的體 質。最近又讀了一本”更年期食療”的書本(張群湘博士、鄔麗妹編著,萬里機構.得利書局出版) ,在此 作為一讀書報告與各位分享書中的內容。

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主的圣果何等甘甜 (朱桂珍)




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主的恩典夠我們用 (潘瑜)



进了医院,医生认为我来迟了,肺炎很严重,血压较低,给我接氧气。因我从小就患了支气管 扩张病,常咳血,肺部感染,靠抗生素治疗。后肺部阴影,两次都有支扩,左侧较严重,做手术先 把左肺下叶及上叶舌叶切除,但右侧仍有支扩存在,经常感染,唯一用抗生素,造成对很多抗生素 过敏不能用。医院只得起用另一种抗生素给我静脉点滴,但这药对全身副作用很大,首先出现了腹 泻,一天一共10多次。脚肿得很厉害,也许对肾脏有影响。我唯一切切求告主,把自己完全交托 主手上。主不断加我力量,例如到厕所按铃,需要护士来帮忙,但要等很久,我就自己把氧气管拿 掉,推著滴注架上厕所。

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神在荒島的作為 (Vivian Ku)

在馬太福音19章2節,主耶穌曾說:在神凡事都能。 今年的6月份,香港晨曦島的總幹 事葉太帶領了兩位學員來到中浸,又讓我們看到靠著耶穌凡事都能的奇妙作為。 晨曦島可以說是香港的一個荒島,是陳保羅牧師創辦的一個福音戒毒事工所在地,專門協助 吸毒人士以福音戒毒,此事工大部份經費由香港政府資助,但仍有四份之一經費需福音戒毒 事工自己籌募,任何人士在香港因吸毒被補,可被判入牢或到晨曦島戒毒,由於晨曦島為荒 島,設備不足,需逗留的時間較長,所以很多吸毒者不選擇到晨曦島,然而當中也有人選擇 到此地,又或有些吸毒者在家人朋友鼓勵下到島上戒毒的。

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A few words on late June Righton (Ailsa Thompson)

June was received into the membership of Central Baptist Church on 1st February, 1952 and was Office Secretary for a period during the ministry of Dr. Ernest Watson (1953 – 1955) when 72 were added to the membership.

After finishing Secondary School, June undertook a secretarial course at the then Technical College at Ultimo, and was employed in the N.S.W. Public Service at the Health Department.

Following Bible College and School Teacher training, June left for missionary service in the Sudan in 1957 with the Sudan Interior Mission (SIM). She was required to undertake language study in Arabic and later in French. After missionaries were unable to work in the Sudan, she moved to the Chad.

Prayer and Bible Study was held at Central Baptist Church on Wednesday evenings under the leadership of the Pastor. I can recall June using her French Bible at the meetings conducted by Rev. Edward Yu and Rev. Frank Starr.

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我對奶奶的懷念 (張蔡惠嫻)

媽咪 – 是我對張陳月娟女士 (亦即是我奶奶) 親切的稱呼,而事實上可以這樣說,她是多年與 我相依為命,形影不離的第二個母親。


媽咪很喜歡裝扮和愛被別人稱讚,她是唯美 主義者,所以是一絲不苟,常常打扮齊整和漂亮 的,即使是在老人院也維持這個習慣, 她又喜歡 買新衣,但經常說沒衣服穿。她最擅長整理收 拾,可以將一個廚房整天搬來搬去,在家中或在 老人院,經常都喜歡將抽屜的物件和房內放着的 小擺設搬來搬去,所以經常跌倒。還有一樣,家 中一定要清潔,整齊,我與她同住十多年,受到 她的薰陶,也變得很清潔,整齊。她對食物是很 有要求的,換句話是非常挑剔, 她不吃牛肉,不 吃豬肉,只吃雞肉,魚(一千零一種魚),蔬 菜就只吃幾種例如: 波菜、生菜、莧菜和番茄及 薯仔,她也很喜歡吃龍虾和魚翅,我的好朋友 Annie很慷慨,常常邀請她吃龍虾。她也喜歡吃 芒果,一日可以吃兩至三個都不怕肚瀉,但自從 她生過皮膚癬之後,她就吃少很多芒果了,但見 到龍眼和茘枝就雙眼放光。其實媽咪很喜歡聽粵 劇,又喜歡看演唱會,最喜歡歌星是徐小鳳。

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English Service Retreat (2014)

Each year the International Congregation holds an annual camp called ‘The Getaway’ (previously known as The International Congregation Retreat). During this weekend away, there are activities such as: Worship, Games, Talks, Workshops, Discussion Groups and Testimony Sharing. It was held this year at Stanwell Tops on the 26th-28th September where we had 57 fellow brothers […]

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My YG (Youth Group) Recollection – Timothy Chan

Initially, I approached YG with some fear and trepidation. It had been a number of years since I attended YG as a youth. Of course, a large part of my fear came from being a newly minted blaze leader. I worried about how the youth would treat me in that sort of context, since I didn’t have the benefit of prolonged interactions with them up till that point.

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Y.G. 2014 Experience

Youth Getaway (YG) occurs during the Easter holiday and this year was no different. Unfortunately last year I missed out and so I made sure that I would be there for YG 2014. Never being to YG before, I didn’t have high expectations. I assumed it was going to be a casual camp that I […]

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使命DNA – 国语堂复活节青年营之回顾

但圣灵降临在你们身上,你们必得着能力; 并要在耶路撒冷、犹太全地和撒玛利亚,直到地 极,作我的见证”(使徒行传1:8)

DNA是我们身体的遗传分子,是我们基因 的重要组成部分,它决定了我们的相貌,我们的 身高和我们一切的身体属性,是不可磨灭的一部 分。我们每个基督徒身上也有着不可磨灭的部 分,那就是神所赐予我们的新生命—-基督的生 命。生命需要成长,需要滋润,需要哺育,因为 我们的生命会经历这样那样的烦恼,欢喜,泪 水,青涩和懵懂。
我有时候在想,神真的為我们预备很多!他特 别地预备了让我们能够成长的地方——“使命 DNA”青年生活营,这是我参加的第三個复活 节营会,也是对我影响最为深刻的一届复活节营 会,让我记念主基督從死里复活, 让我渡过了感恩 的三天,赞美的三天,成长的三天。

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